Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chips Delight Striped Chocolate Chip Cookies

For an instant and inexpensive mood lift (shopping is definitely out of the question). Just like any other stressed individual, I will find the light of the fridge.

At the farthest corner of the lowest shelf, I found an almost forgotten pack of Chips Delight Striped Chocolate Chip Cookies. Expiration date checked, I lifted 2 devils from their plastic bed. Sinking my teeth into a cookie loaded with chocolate chips and laced with chocolate strips reminded me why it was kept in the recesses of the cold box in the first place. It's too sinful! Mmm, wish I had a glass of cold fresh milk to wash it down.

According to research, chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a natural substance that is reputed to stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love.

Stressed = (chocolate) Desserts.

Maybe that's why I feel giddy...or it might be the sugar rush straight to the head.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi, I'm Geng Domingo,brand Manager of Chips Delight from GALINCO. I read your blog about our cookies & I would like to send you more. If possible can I get your contact no. & your address so I'll know where I can send it:)
Thank you again