Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gelatone Gelato

This is a repost from my other blog.

Gelato is Italian ice cream that has little air in it, making it denser than the regular ice cream. Denser ice cream = a richer, more flavorful treat. In my opinion, gelato is the greatest Italian contribution to civilizition, followed by pizza and pasta. Splendido Italianos!

Good thing that the Italians have shared with others the recipe and procedure for making this heavenly dessert. We don't have to fly all the way to Italy just to sample the creamy concoctions (but it would be a dream to be in Italy and eat gelato there too). Gelatone is one of the few places here in the metro that specializes in gelato, with over 15 flavors to choose from. It is a tad pricey though, a generous scoop will cost you around 100 Php but try it once and you'll agree that its worth it.

It's difficult to choose just one flavor when all are just oh so good, but being a dark chocolate & mint lover, the Menta for me is happiness on a cone.

2/f Greenbelt 3
Ayala Center, Makati

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Chi!

Glad to know that you enjoyed our gelato, specifically Menta. Maybe next time, you can try After 8. That's dark chocolate flavored with mint.

Yes, at Gelatone, we use a machine called "mantecatrice" one that we imported from Italy to make sure that Italian Gelato lovers like yourself will get the real deal here in Manila!

Hope to see you again at Gelatone!


Tess Songco